



  • 中文名:何興金
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教授、博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:西華師範大學


SCI期刊Journal of Systematics and Evolution編委
國際《Flora of Pan-Himalayas》編委




在傘形科、百合科等科進行了較為深入的分類學研究,尤以對中國獨活屬、蔥屬、百合族、柴胡屬、大戟屬等進行了較全面而深入的細胞分類學 、分子系統學和地理學研究;對部分藥用植物獨活、當歸、柴胡的DNA barcoding進行了研究;同時對四川分布的種子植物區系和物種現狀及資源植物利用與保擴進行了較為深入的野外考察和分類鑑定、保護和開發研究工作。對資源植物有效成分利用的關鍵技術方面進行了研究工作。對植物標本資料庫與信息系統和共享平台進行了系統的研究,對四川高等植物進行了物種資料庫和經濟植物的GIS系統建設研究,對多個四川省內的自然保護區進行生物多樣性調查,外來入侵物種及其防治研究等。


1 . 1996 年—— 1999 年:國家自然科學基金項目,“國產蔥屬的系統與進化生物學研究”(第一主研)。已完成。
2 . 1997 年—— 1998 年:中國科學院植物研究所系統與進化植物學研究開放實驗室資助項目,“國產蔥屬的分子系統學研究”(項目主持人)。已完成。
3 . 1998 年—— 2000 年:國家教委博士點基金資助項目,“蔥屬東亞特有組——粗根組的分子系統學研究”(第一主研)。已完成。
4 . 2000 年至 2001 年:國家博士後基金資助項目:“千屈菜科及其近緣類群的分子系統學研究”,(項目主持人)。已完成。
5 . 1999 年—— 2001 年:國家教委博士點基金資助項目:“蔥屬粗根組的物種生物學研究”(第一主研)。已完成。
6 . 1999 年—— 2001 年:國家傑出青年科學基金資助項目:“被子植物分子系統學研究”(參加研究)。博士後期間承擔其中的狹義百合科分子系統學研究部分。已完成。
7 . 1999 年—— 2001 年:雲南省菸草科學研究院資助項目:“烤菸核心種質資源研究”,(合作項目主持人)。已完成。
8 . 2000 年—— 2001 年:廣東省博士後基金資助項目:“千屈菜科的分子系統學研究”,(項目主持人)。已完成。
9 . 2002 年—— 2004 年:四川省教育廳自然科學科研重點資助項目:“獨活屬及其近緣類群的系統發育與進化研究”,(項目主持人)。進展順利。
10 . 2004 年—— 2006 年:國家高校博士點專項基金資助項目:“獨活屬及其近緣類群的分子系統學與進化研究” (項目主持人)。
11 . 2003 年—— :四川大學引進人才科研啟動費:“橫斷山區我國傘形科特有及藥用植物的系統分類研究” (項目主持人)。


Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies): A tool for historical biogeography, Yan Yu*, Alan J Harris, Christopher Blair, Xingjin He _ (通訊作者),2015, 87:46-49. (SCI期刊,IF=4.066)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Revisiting the evolutionary events in Allium subgenus Cyathophora (Amaryllidaceae): Insights into the effect of the Hengduan Mountains Region (HMR) uplift and Quaternary climatic fluctuations to the environmental changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Min-Jie Li, Jin-Bo Tan, Deng-Feng Xie, De-Qing Huang, Yun-Dong Gao, Xing-Jin He _ (通訊作者),2015, Online. (SCI期刊,IF=4.066)
BMC Evolutionary Biology, Morphological and ecological divergence of Lilium and Nomocharis within the Hengduan Mountains and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may result from habitat Specialization and hybridization, Yun-Dong Gao*, Alan J Harris, Xingjin He _ (通訊作者),2015, 15(147):1-21. (SCI期刊,IF=3.368)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Phylogenetic analyses and chromosome counts reveal multiple cryptic species in Bupleurum commelynoideum (Apiaceae),Xiang-guang Ma, Cai Zhao, Chang-Bao Wang, Qiang-Long Liang, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2015:53(1):104-116, (SCI期刊,IF=1.65).
Nordic Journal of Botnay, Bupleurum shanianum sp. Nov. (Apiaceae) from China, Xiang-Guang Ma, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2015, 33:71-73. (SCI期刊,IF=0.84)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Intraspecific differentiation of Pleurospermum hookeri (Apiaceae), and its interspecific relationships with two close relatives in the genus Pleurospermum,Xue Bai, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2015, 53(4): 308-320, (SCI期刊,IF=1.65).
Phytotaxa, On the identity of Pternopetalum botrychioides (Apiaceae), introducing P. latipinnulatum comb. & stat. nov., Jin-Bo Tan, Xiang-Guang Ma, Lin Zhang & Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2015, 226(3):233-244. (SCI期刊,IF=1.318)
Nordic Journal of Botnay, Pimpinella rhomboidea var. tenuiloba is a synonym of Melanosciadium bipinnatum (Apiaceae), Jin-Bo Tan, Zhi-Xin Wang, Deng-Feng Xie and Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2015, DOI:10.1111/njb.00748, ISSN 1756-1051 001-003.(SCI期刊,IF=0.84)
Journal of Plant Research, Phylogenetic reappraisal of Allium subgenus Cyathophora (Amaryllidaceae) and related taxa, with a proposal of two new sections, De-Qing Huang, Jing-Tian Yang, Chun-Jing Zhou, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He *(通訊作者), 2014, 127(1): 275-286. (SCI期刊,IF=2.51)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Intraspeci_c differentiation of Allium wallichii (Amaryllidaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA and internal transcribed spacer fragments, De_Qing HUANG Qin_Qin LI Chun_Jing ZHOU Song_Dong ZHOU Xing_Jin HE* (通訊作者),2014. 52(3): 341-354, (SCI期刊,IF=1.65).
Nordic Journal of Botnay, Molecular phylogenetics of Pimpinella and allied genera (Apiaceae), with emphasis on Chinese native species, inferred from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA intron sequence data, Zhi-Xin Wang, Stephen R. Downie, Jin-Bo Tan, Chen-Yang Liao, Yan Yu, Xing-Jin He *(通訊作者), 2014, 32(5): 642-657. (SCI期刊,IF=0.84)
Nordic Journal of Botnay, A cytotaxonomic analysis of Chinese Polygonatum (Asparagaceae) Species, Li-Hua Zhao, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), Zhi-Xin Wang, Lu Peng, 2014, 32(4):441-451. (SCI期刊,IF=0.84)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Polygonatum gongshanense (Asparagaceae), a new speices from Gongshan, Yunnan, China. Li-Hua Zhao, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2014, 41: 333-336..(SCI期刊,IF=0.77)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Pternopetalum monophyllum (Apiaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China. Jin-Bo Tan, Zhi-Xin Wang, Hao-yu Hu, Xing-Jin He * (通訊作者), 2014, 41: 414-418.(SCI期刊,IF=0.77)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Phylogeographic analysis of a temperate- deciduous forest restricted plant (Bupleurum longiradiatum Turcz.) reveals two refuge areas in China with subsequent refugial isolation promoting speciation, Zhao Cai, Chang-bao Wang, Xiang-Guang Ma, Qian-long Liang, Xing-Jin He_ (通訊作者),2013, 68:628-643, (SCI期刊,IF=4.066)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Evolutionary events in Lilium (including Nomocharis, Liliaceae) are temporally correlated with orogenies of the Q-T plateau and the Hengduan Mountains, Gao Y.D, AJ Harris, S.D. Zhou, XingJin He*(通訊作者),2013, 68:443-460. (SCI期刊,IF=4.066).
Systematic Botany, New insights into the phylogeny of Angelica and its allies (Apiaceae) with emphasis on East Asian species, inferred from nrDNA, cpDNA and morphological evidence, Chenyang Liao, Stephen R. Downie, Qinqin Li, Yan Yu and Xingjin He(通訊作者),2013,38(1): 266-281, (SCI期刊,IF=1.517).
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Phylogeography of an alpine plant (Bupleurum smithii, Apiaceae) endemic to the QingHai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions inferred from chloroplanst DNA sequence variation, Zhao Cai, Xiang-Guang Ma, Qian-Long Liang, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者),2013,51(4):382-395, _(SCI期刊,IF=1.851)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Lilium yapingense (Liliaceae), a new species from yunnan,China, and its systematic significance relative to Nomocharis. Gao Yun-Dong, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He(通訊作者),(SCI期刊,IF=1.014),2013, 50:187-194.
Annales Botanici Fennici, Bupleurum baimaense (Apiaceae), a new species from Hengduan Mountains, China. Ma Xiang-guang, Cai Zhao, Qian-long Liang & Xing-Jin He* (通訊作者), 2013, 50:379-385.(SCI期刊,IF=1.014)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Phylogeography of Angelica nitida (APIACEAE) endemic to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on chloroplast DNA sequences, Zhang Xue Mei, XingJin He*(通訊作者),2013,51(5):564-577. (SCI期刊,IF=1.851).
Plant Systematics and Evolution, A new species in the genus Nomocharis Franchet (Liliaceae): evidence that brings the genus Nomocharis into Lilium, Yun-Dong Gao, Markus Hohenegger, A.J. Harris, Song-Dong Zhou, Xingjin He*(通訊作者), Juan Wan, 2012, 298:69-85 (SCI期刊,IF=1.335).
Journal Plant Research, Chromosome diversity and evolution in tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae) with emphasis on Chinese species, 2012, 125: 55-69, Yun-Dong Gao, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), Juan Wan, (SCI期刊,IF=1.746)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Historical biogeography of the Angelica group (Apiaceae tribe Selineae) infrerred from analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA sequences. Chen-Yang LIAO, Stephen R. DOWNIE, Yan YU, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2012,50(3): 206-217. (SCI期刊,IF=1.596).
Annales Botanici Fennici, Angelica dabashanensis (Apiaceae), a new species from Shaanxi, China. Chen-Yang Liao, Xing-Jin He(通訊作者),(SCI期刊,IF=1.014),2012, 49:125-133.
Nordic Journal of Botany, Bupleurum candollei var. paucefulcrans comb. nov. (Apiaceae) from Guizhou, China: comparison of allied species based on morphology, anatomy and molecular data, Chang-Bao Wang,Xiang-Guang Ma and Xing-Jin He* (通訊作者) (SCI期刊, IF=0.761), 2011, 29:424-430.
Plant Systematics and Evolution, Phylogeny and biogeography of Chinese Heracleum (Apiaceae tribe Tordylieae ) with comments on their fruit morphology, Yan Yu, Stephen R. Downie, Xingjin He*(通訊作者), Xianlan Deng, Ling Yan, 2011, 296:179-203. (SCI期刊,IF=1.369).
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, A taxonomic re-assessment in the Chinese Bupleurum (Apiaceae): Insignts from morphology, nucleat ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, and chloroplast (trnH-psbA, matK) sequences. Chang-Bao WANG, Xiang-Guang MA, Xing-Jin He*(通訊作者), 2011, 49(6): 558-589. (SCI期刊,IF=1.295).
Nordic Journal of Botnay, Karyotype studies in thirty-two species of Lilium (Liliaceae) from China, Y.-D. Gao, S.-D. Zhou, X.-J. He*(通訊作者), 2011, 29:746-761. (SCI期刊,IF=0.551)
Carbohydrate Polymers, Purification, composition analysis and antioxidant activity of the Polysaccharisdes fron Dendrobium nobile Lindl.,2010,79:1014-1019.AoXue Luo, Xingjin He(通訊作者), Songdong Zhou, YiJun Fan, AoShuang Luo, Ze Chun(SCI期刊,IF=3.463)
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Molecular authentication of the tracitional Chinese medicinal plant Angelica sinensis based in internal transcribed spacer of nrDNA,2010,13(1):1-10.Tu Feng, Shuang Liu, Xingjin He(通訊作者), (SCI期刊,IF=0.928)
Annales Botanici Fennici, Epidermal morphology of Ligusticum (Apiaceae) from China, Sun Na, Xing-Jin He(通訊作者),Song-Dong Zhou, (SCI期刊,IF=0.692), 2010,47:261-279.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, S-DIVA (Statistical Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis): a tool for inferring biogeographic histories, Yan Yu, A J Harris, Xingjin He (通訊作者) (SCI期刊, IF=3.889), 2010,56(2):848-850.(截止2015年10月9日,該論文共被SCI期刊引用244次,其中他人引用236次!)
ANN BOT-LONDON (Annals of Botany), Phylogeny and biogeogrphy of Allium (Amaryllidaceae: Allieae) based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast rps16 sequences, focusing on the inclusion of species endemic to China, Qin-Qin Li, Song-Dong Zhou, Xing-Jin He (通訊作者), Yan Yu, Yu-Cheng Zhang, Xian-Qing Wei (SCI期刊, IF=3.388), 2010,106:709-733.
Acta Crystallographica E, Yuzurimine from of Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq., Ying Cheng, Xingjin He*(通訊作者), 2010, E66: 03013(1-11) (IF=0.411)
2009 年
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ,Karyotypes of sixteen populations of eight species in the genus Polygonatum from China.2009,159:245_254.(SCI期刊,IF=0.984)
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ,Comparative morphology of the leaf epidermis in Fritillaria (Liliaceae)from China.2009,160:93_109.(SCI期刊,IF=0.984)
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Composition analysis and antioxidant activity of polysaccharide from Dendrobium denneanum, 2009, 45: 169-173.Yijun Fan, Xingjin He(通訊作者), Songdong Zhou, Aoxue Luo, Tao He, Ze Chun,(SCI期刊,IF=2.366)
Journal Plant Research, Molecular systematics of Angelica and allied genera (Apiaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains of China based on nrDNA ITS sequences: phylogenetic affinities and biogeographic implications,2009, 122: 403-414, Tu Feng, Stephen R. Downie, Yan Yu, Xuemei Zhang, Weiwei Chen, Xingjin He(通訊作者), shuang Liu, (SCI期刊,IF=1.524)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution,Karyotype and cytogeography of the genus Heracleum (Apiaceae) in Hengduan Mountains,2009,47(4): 273-285. Xian-Lan DENG, Xing-Jin HE*(通訊作者), Wei-Lue HE, Yun-Dong GAO, Hai-Yan Liu, Yu-Cheng Zhang(SCI檢索期刊,IF=0.88)
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, In vitro antioxidant activities of a water-soluble polysaccharide derived from Dendrobium nobile Lindl. extracts, 2009, 45: 359-363.AoXue Luo, Xingjin He(通訊作者), Songdong Zhou, YiJun Fan, Tao He, Ze Chun, (SCI期刊,IF=2.366)
2008年及以前在Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Nordic Journal of Botany,Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, Journal of Bryology, Planta Medica, Science in China (Series C),Theoretical and Applied Genetics ( Springer-Verlag), Journal of Plant Research, 植物學報,植物分類學報,等期刊上發表論文15篇。


  • 2005年1月:獲四川大學治安綜合治理和防火安全先進個人
  • 2005年5月:獲四川大學優秀實習指導教師一等獎
  • 2005年:評為“第六批四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選”
  • 2005年:國家級和省級精品課程:“植物生物學”主講教師之一。
  • 2006年:獲四川大學2006年度“華為獎教金”一等獎。
  • 2007年:獲四川大學優秀實習隊集體二等獎。
  • 2008年:獲四川大學2007-2008學年“優秀野外實習隊集體一等獎”。
  • 2008年:獲四川大學2006-2008年度“優秀教師”稱號。
  • 2008年:獲四川大學2008年教學成果二等獎(本人排名第四)。
  • 2009年:獲四川大學2008-2009學年“優秀野外實習隊集體一等獎”。
  • 2009年:獲四川大學2008-2009學年“優秀野外實習先進個人一等獎”。
  • 2009年:獲中華人民共和國科學技術部“野外科技工作先進個人”光榮稱號。
  • 2011年:獲四川大學2010-2011學年“優秀野外實習教師先進個一等獎”
  • 2012年:獲四川大學優秀教學成果一等獎,本人排名第二。
  • 2013年:獲四川大學“優秀野外實習指導集體一等獎”。
  • 2014年3月:獲國家科技部:“國家科技基礎條件平台工作先進個人”榮譽獎。
  • 2014年10月14日:獲中華人民共和國環境保護部:“第六屆國家級自然保護區評審委員會專家庫專家”
  • 2014年12月:獲四川大學 “課堂教學質量優秀獎”。
  • 2014年12月:獲四川大學“精品開放課題建設突出貢獻獎”(本人排名第三)
  • 2015年1月16日:獲四川省人民政府“第十一批四川省學術和技術帶頭人”


