


  • 書名:世界衛生組織世界衛生統計指標集精選
  • 出版社:中國協和醫科大學出版社
  • 頁數:258頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:中國協和醫科大學出版社
  • 作者:孟群
  • 出版日期:2013年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:7811367858




1.Most recent census year 最近人口普查年份
2.Annual population growth rate(%) 年人口增長率(%)
3.Population (in thousands) total 總人口數(千人)
4.Population proportion over 60(%) 60歲以上人口百分比
5.Population proportion under 15(%) 15歲以下人口百分比
6.Population living in urban areas(%) 城市人口百分比
7.Population median age (years) 人口年齡中位數(歲)
8.Total fertility rate (per woman) 總生育率(每名婦女)
9.Adolescent fertility rate (per 1000 women) 青少年婦女生育率(每千婦女)
10.Civil registration coverage of births(%) 出生登記覆蓋率(%)
11.Civil registration coverage of cause—of—death(%) 死因登記覆蓋率(%)
1. Gross national income per capita(PPP int.□) 人均國民總收入(購買力平價國際美元)
2.Literacy rate among adults aged≥15 years(%) 15歲及以上成年人識字率(%)
3.Net primary school enrollment rate (%) 適齡兒童國小入學率(%)
4.Population using improved drinking—water sources(%) 飲用改良水人口百分比
1.Life expectancy at birth 出生期望壽命
2.Life expectancy at age 60 (years) 60歲期望壽命(歲)
1.Number of reported cases of plague鼠疫報告病例數
2.Number of reported cases of cholera霍亂報告病例數
3.Number of reported cases of poliomyelitis脊髓灰質炎病例數
4.Number of reported cases of measles麻疹報告病例數
5.Number of reported cases of Japanese encephalitis 流行性乙型腦炎報告病例數
6. Estimated incidence of tuberculosis (per 100000 population)結核病發病率估計值(每10萬人)
7.Number of reported cases of pertussis 百日咳報告病例數
8.Number of reported cases of diphtheria 白喉報告病例數
9.Number of reported cases of neonatal tetanus 新生兒破傷風報告病例數
10.Number of reported cases of total tetanus各類破傷風報告病例數
11.Number of reported cases of yellow fever黃熱病報告病例數
12.Number of reported cases of mumps腮腺炎報告病例數
13.Number of reported cases of rubella風疹報告病例數
14.Number of reported cases of congenital rubella syndrome 先天性風疹綜合徵報告病例數
15. Number of reported cases of leprosy( Number of newly detected cases of leprosy) 麻風報告病例數(新發現的麻風病例數)
1. Estimated prevalence of tuberculosis (per 100000 population) 結核患病率估計值(每10萬人)
1. Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births)嬰兒死亡率(每1000個活產兒在1歲之前死亡的機率)
2. Adult mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 t060 years per 1000 population) 成人死亡率(15~ 60歲之間的死亡機率,每千人)
3.Age—standardized mortality rate (per 100000 population) 年齡標化死亡率(每10萬人)
4.Maternal mortality ratio (per 100000 live births) 孕產婦死亡比(每10萬活產兒)
5.Under—five mortality rate( probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births)5歲以下兒童死亡率(每1000活產兒5歲前死亡的機率)
6. Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years(%) 5歲以下兒童死因構成百分比
7. Estimated deaths due to tuberculosis, excluding HIV (per 100000 population)結核死亡人數估計值,不合愛滋病毒感染者(每10萬人)
1.Stillbirth rate (per 1000 total biIths) 死產率(每1000齣生數)
1. Number of community health workers社區衛生人員數
2. Density of commuruty health workers (per 10000 population)社區衛生人員密度(每萬人)
3.Number of physicians 醫生數
4.Density of physicians (per 10000 population) 醫生密度(每萬人)
5.Number of dentistry personnel 牙醫數
6.Density of dentistry personnel (per 10000 population)牙醫密度(每10萬人)
7.Number of nursing and midwifery personnel護理人員及助產士數
8. Density of nursing and midwifery personnel (per 10000 population)護理人員及助產士密度(每萬人)
9.Number of environment and public health workers環境與公共衛生人員數
10.Density of environment and public health workers (per 10000 population)環境與公共衛生人員密度(每萬人)
11.Number of pharmaceutical personnel 藥劑人員數
12.Density of pharmaceutical personnel (per 10000 population) 藥劑人員密度(每萬人)
1. Hospital beds (per 10000 population) 醫院床位(每萬人)
1. Total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product衛生費用占國民生產總值百分比
2. General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure政府衛生支出占政府總支出百分比
3. Ceneral government expenditure on health as apercentage of total expenditure on health政府衛生支出占衛生總支出百分比
4. Social security expenditure on health as a percentage of general government expenditure on health社會保障資金占政府衛生專用的百分比
5. External resources for health as a percentage of total expenditure on health外部衛生資源占衛生總支出百分比
6. Private expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health個人衛生支出占衛生總支出百分比
7. Private prepaid plans as a percentage of private expenditure on health個人預付計畫支出占個人衛生支出百分比
8. Out—of—pocket expenditure as a percentage of private expenditure on health個人現金支出占個人衛生支出百分比
9. Per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int.□)人均政府衛生支出(購買力平價國際美元)
10.Per capita total expenditure on health (PPP int.□)人均衛生支出總額(購買力平價國際美元)
11. Per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate(US□)人均政府衛生支出(平均匯率美元)
12.Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US□)人均衛生總支出(平均匯率美元)

